Corner working desk.

Corner working desk for a cozy, intimate, private working area.. and also when you are lacking with the required space for the working area. Tips for such corner working area design and idea's.

  • Best placed beside a window.
  • Escort its designing with a window blind..rather than a curtain.

  • Keep in a good amount of illumination.
  • Use light colored furniture, laminates, textures etc. As its already in a corner, dark color furniture will ruin its appearance and mix up badly with corner darkness.

  •  Comfort the area and design with ample of storage space, good working area, comfortable chair accessibility and most importantly effective illumination through table lamp, ceiling lights or wall lights.
  • Do not mess it up with extra designs and heavy textures. Keep it light and simple.

Working space is already so much stressed up with work and other responsibilities, better to lighten it up with atheistic and sweet design idea's and designing work. Comfortable designing will manage up half of the stress through peaceful seating and working area. 

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