Office waiting area designs

Office waiting area design idea's for a comfortable, formal, full with positive vibes to welcome your official guests. Keep it clean and calm in design perspective get a formal yet comfortable look and feel. 

Comfortable seating , good ambiance, perfect illumination, smooth connectivity with reception are the key elements to make an official waiting zone.

Materials of decor, furniture materials or upholstery, lighting accessories etc. floor treatment, ceiling design idea .. are the few tools which can create magic as well as if not used properly could ruin your design idea's and designer looks of the respective area. 

Keep it bright, cool or calm, depending upon the types of offices.. for eg. a designer's office waiting zone can accommodate different vibrant colors, bright luxurious furniture etc. going along with sexy accessories. It has the freedom of design and decor because of its profession. But this theme cant be used in IT company office or a formal zone. You need to know.. to understand.. different kind of requirements according to your clients profession, attitude and styling to create the best of the offices and office zones.

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